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The Importance Of Your Transformation

Good Morning People!!!

Arkevious stared at himself in the restroom mirror. The person who stared back was not the same person he used to be. The old person dedicated his life to tearing down others. The old person also ran the streets and broke the law. This new person though. Well, let’s just say he’s quite the inspirer. The kind that teaches people how to win the war within themselves, not with others. As he finished washing and drying his hands, he took one more look at himself in the mirror. He was proud of the person he had become, but it was now side time for him to help someone else get to where he was. He opened up the restroom door and walked out. It was time for him to take the stage again and do what the winner inside of him does each and everyday.  Inspire….

Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors! It’s a little gloomy out there today People, but I’ll take the gloom any day over freezing rain. Your KC metro area weather starts out just above freezing ands only reached up into the lower 40’s. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Your Transformation’.

No one is perfect. We all have things within ourselves that we all need to change. And because this is hard for us to admit at times, we tend to spend a lot of time fighting to change things that are externally outside of our own control, rather than face the war that’s going on internally. Well listen up People. The fight you are fighting is with yourself. Until you are able to transform the battlefield you are fighting on within and face your true enemy, you will continue fighting the wrong enemy. Learn how to defeat the Decepticon that’s holding up your positive transformation, or you will never make it to see your optimal ‘Prime’.

It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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