Good Morning People!!!
Peaches was 140 pounds overweight, had buck teeth, and was beginning to suffer from alopecia. She woke up every day, showered, dressed, and dolled herself up. Before leaving her bedroom, she stood in front of the mirror, analyzing herself. She then spoke these words: “How you gonna keep them boys off you today, girl?” before heading to school. That day at school, instead of being laughed at, talked about, and humiliated, she was approached by three boys, received compliments on her outfit from eight girls, and had two teachers rave about how she carried herself with pride. Because Peaches believed in her own mind that she was stunning in her own right, so did everyone else.
Happy Humping Wednesday my Weekday Warriors!! This week is flying by!! Gotta love short weeks right?! And the weather this week has been perfect! Speaking of the weather. Your KC metro area weather starts off in the upper 50’s and rises to the mid 80’s by mid day. Today’s topic is ‘The Importance Of Your Thoughts’.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right.” -Henry Ford.
Your thoughts shape your reality. Every idea, belief, and emotion you entertain influences the course of your life. Positive thoughts propel you forward, while negative ones hold you back. So listen up, people: the quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life. Guard your mind, focus on what uplifts you, and dismiss anything that drags you down. You have the power to create the life you desire simply by choosing the right thoughts. So the next time you catch yourself doubting, remember that your mindset is everything.
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!