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The Importance Of Your Influence

Follow me @coffeecupchuck . com/ chuckdoyle . com

Good Morning People!!!

Not long ago, Mike Tyson spoke of GOOD and Evil during a podcast interview. He explained how when you’re favored by GOD, you are also favored by the Devil.” Deep statement right? He goes on to explain how the Devil also gives power. His gifts fulfill your deepest desires, so he’s also a powerful player in the game of Good vs Evil. He sits on your shoulder, just like GOD, whispering his suggestive thoughts into your ear hoping that his whispers are loud enough to drown out the whispers of GOD. Well are they? Are you listening the red man sitting on your shoulder? Or are you focusing on the activities happening on your better shoulder?

Happy Friday my Weekday Warriors!! Those checkered flags are waving in the wind. Time to close out the work week and open up the ‘Grow Me’ weekend. The KC metro’s looking awesome with the day starting in the mid 30’s and quickly rising up into the mid 60’s. Your topic for today is on the ‘Importance Of Your Influence’.

In a world where the longest fought battle has been the battle between good and evil, there has always been temptation lurking around. You know, that small voice in the back of your head telling you to do it anyway, and how it’ll be fine? That inner gps navigator that’s actually guiding you in the wrong direction

? Well listen up People, the influence you have around you matters. Dust that Devil off of your shoulder, get from around those people that are only bringing you down to where they’re willing to settle and check out the direction GOD has for you. When you influence yourself in ways that place you in more positive light, it makes it easier for you to shine that light back on someone else that may need a little light. If you are going to be influenced, do me a favor and make sure your influencers rocking that gold band above them.

It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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