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The Importance Of Tolerance

Good Morning People!!!

It’s Monday morning and due to a power outage, a coffee spill, and heavy traffic, you are late for work. Not only are you late for work, you are also late for the Monday morning meeting that many of your colleagues and boss will be attending. You arrive a little irritated and because of this your level of patience is low. As you attempt to enter into the conference room without anyone noticing you one of the guys you aren’t so fond of lets out a little snicker and because of this the boss sees you. You are swiftly reprimanded. Later on that day during lunch you see the same guy sitting in the cafeteria with a few other employees. As you enter he leans over while looking at you and whispers in the ear of one of the employees sitting at the table. This sets you off. As you approach, he stands up to greet your confrontation, and the yelling match begins.

Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors!! Only 4 more days till Christmas and the weather is definitely calling for a white Christmas!! Today expect a low of 20 degrees and a high of 36 degrees in the KC metro area. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Tolerance’.

We all know that one person that seems to have the ability to get under our skin. It could be the workplaces instigator, that foreign exchange student that’s a little hard to understand, or even that annoying family member that’s constantly doing or saying something that you never have any energy to agree with. No matter the case, it is so important that you teach yourself to remain tolerable. Listen up People, you have a right to feel, act, believe and do as you choose. So does everyone else, and since you can only control what you do, you need to understand that the only thing that’s important in any of these situations is how you respond. So my suggestion to you is to control yourself and keep it moving. It’s only a big deal of you make it one.

It’s ya boy Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful morning message. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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