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Good Morning People!!!
During the summer of 2021 an almost tragic event took place while my stepson and son in law were both fishing off the back of the company’s boat. It was around midnight, so the area was pretty quiet. Good thing it was, because if not, my stepson would never have heard the sounds of someone faintly screaming for help. Just across the water, an intoxicated woman had fallen off of the pier into the water while attempting to board her boat. The pier was too high up and she was too drunk to secure her own rescue. My stepson ran to save her. What’s crazy about this whole situation was the fact that they were originally suppose to be heading home at that time. If they would have left when they were suppose to leave the woman would have drowned.
Welcome back to reality Monday my Weekday Warriors!! It’s my birthday today and unlike the rest of you all, my celebration continues. Expect temperatures in the KC metro area to reach a low of 12 degrees and a high of 31. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Timing’.
Have you ever heard someone chant off the words, ‘Being in the right place at the right time?’ Well being in the right place at the right time in certain situations can mean everything. Especially when it means a positive change in life’s direction or saving the life of someone. The opportunity would most definitely not present itself if you are not putting yourself out in the world to experience and live in it. But Listen up people, you still have to keep in mind that things sometime happen when and only when they need to happen. You see, timing means everything and being patient, understanding, and prepared for anything helps secure you the bullseye you seek when that time does come. Your time will come but in the meantime get yourself prepared.
It’s ya boy Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful morning message. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!
