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Good Morning People!!!
Thomas handed his mother the letter from his teacher. She opened the letter and after a long pause, begin reading it out loud. “Dear Mrs Edison. We are sorry to inform you but, your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn’t have enough good teachers for training him. Please teach him yourself.” Believing these words, Thomas set off on a road to success, which led him to becoming one of the world’s most known inventors. But, years later, while going through old families items, he ran across the very same note his mother read to him that day long ago and what he read was quite different from what he had heard that day. It actually read, “Your son is addled [mentally ill]. We won’t let him come to school any more.” That day, instead of thinking negatively about the situation, his mother changed her son’s whole future by thinking positive instead and because of it she was able to create truth out of her very words.
Happy motivational Monday my Weekday Warriors! It is time to get back into action! Daylight savings time has changed up things a little, but the weather’s good. Expect your KC metro area weather to start off in the mid to upper 50’s and reach a high of 72 by mid noon. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance of Thinking Positive’.
We often let our negative thoughts control how we respond at times. When life throws us an ugly curveball, we sometimes, have the tendency of throwing the ball back with an even uglier twist on it. When this happens, well, let’s just say, ugly is as ugly does.
So listen up People. Just because someone sends you negative news doesn’t mean that you have to respond in a negative way. Learn how to accept the news, process it and execute afterwards without letting the news effect you in a way that will cause you future grief. You do have a choice on how you respond you know. So always choose the positive response instead.
It’s Ya Boy. Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾
