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The Importance Of The Sign

Good Morning People!!

Alyssa disconnected her call, turned her music back up and with both hands now back on her steering wheel, accelerated her pickup truck back up to 85 mph. She had already flew by 2 deer crossing signs and almost had one close call with a fawn, but Alyssa had an awesome breaking system in her new truck so she knew that if she needed to avoid a run in with another one she’d be just fine and because of her belief in this, she accelerated up to 90 mph. Unfortunately, her breaking system wasn’t as great as she thought because not even a half of a mile down the road, a herd of deer, startled by something in the woods, ran out in front of her and totaled her vehicle. if only she wouldn’t have ignored the signs.

Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors!! It’s definitely looking like Mother Nature can’t make her mind up this winter. Your KC weather starts off on the mid 20’s and climbs up into the lower 60’s by early noon. Today’s topic is on ‘The Importance Of The Signs’.

As humans, we tend to downplay our dangers. Because we normally get away with many of the things we do without blunder, we can sometimes take on life a little recklessly. Then there are the warning signs. You know, those signs that are strategically positioned in our minds to warn us of those unseen events.  But what happens when those warning signs are ignored? Listen up People. Stop ignoring the signs that may bring you safety and sanity. Learn how to read and execute around those signs that flash in front of you and start taking heed to them, or the next sign you let pass you by, may be the last one. So the next time you see a sign, read it and heed it. It just may be the sign that saves your life.

It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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