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Good Morning People!!!
Tiffany took a long look at the monthly spreadsheet of her bills. It was an overwhelming sight. In the past two months, she’d let many of her smaller bills go unpaid, and because of this, those smaller bills were now much heftier than the few larger bills up for payment. She’d neglected to pay these smaller bills because, at the time, the larger ones seemed more important. What Tiffany failed to realize was this: over time, even the smallest of bills, along with other small bills, will eventually add up to become a bigger monster to deal with than the larger bill that made her overlook the small bills in the first place. Because of her neglect, Tiffany no longer had any smaller bills to worry about, because every small bill was now just as important as anything else on her spreadsheet. Neglect would end up being her biggest bill yet.
Happy Motivational Monday my Weekday Warriors!! We are back and square one and this only means that it’s time to put in that work for the remainder of the week. What little things will you accomplish this week? Today’s KC metro area weather starts out in the mid 40’s but turns into the low 70’s pretty darn quick. Today’s topic is on ‘The Importance Of The Little Things’.
In the grand tapestry of life, it's often the tiny threads that weave the most intricate patterns. The smile from a stranger, a thoughtful gesture, or a moment of quiet reflection—these are the little things that often go unnoticed. But, oh, how they add up! So listen up, people: It's in these seemingly insignificant moments that we find our joy, our peace, our humanity. They accumulate quietly, shaping our days and ultimately, our lives. So the next time you're caught in the rush, pause. Take in the small details, embrace the simplicity. Let the little things build a foundation of gratitude, making each day richer and more meaningful.
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!