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The Importance Of Showing Up For Yourself

Good Morning People!!!

A few years ago a friend of mines got really sick and had to spend some time in the hospital recovering. This forced him to take some time off from work. He loved his job so much that he sacrificed a lot for the company over the many years of his employment by putting in any and all of the hours his boss asked him to put in. He put in so much of his time for the company that he had no time left to enjoy it with his family or his own self. His dedication to the company made him the most dependable employee the company had, but when he got sick the company didn’t hesitate to replace him.

Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors!! Todays temp is just a tad bit colder than yesterdays so make sure to bundle up. Expect temperatures to reach the upper 30’s with the low being a mere 29 degrees today in the KC metro area. Your topic for today is on, ‘The Importance Of Showing Up For Yourself’.

Most of us get up at least five times out of the week to got to work. We prepare ourselves and head out the door at that same particular time each day in attempts to make sure we get to work on time. We do this because if we arrive late there will, most certainly be someone there ready to hold us accountable for the tardiness. So my question is this, how come we are willing to show up on time for someone else’s accountability, yet we aren’t ready to show up for our own? How come we don’t use that same energy to make ourselves greater? Listen up People, if this is you, you should probably switch up your programming. You see, if you aren’t showing up for you, why should anyone else? Learn to make yourself the priority, because in doing so you not only help advance your own agendas, you now make yourself the boss of ‘YOU’.

Thank you for joining me this morning For another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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