Follow me @ coffeecupchuck. com / chuckdoyle. com
Good Morning People!!
Taylor woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Because is this, she neglected to do many of the things that she normally would have done before heading off for work like, watering her plants, feeding and taking the dog out to poop, and taking the trash out with her as she left for work. As a result from this, when she returned home that evening, she walked into a disaster. As soon as she opened her front door, she smelled the poop. The site of the trash that now littered her home also helped contribute to the smell. It was everywhere. All because she failed to take care of things before she left for the day. If only she would have just stuck to her morning agenda.
Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors! If you are happy to be alive comment with a blue heart below!! I myself, am a very happy man to be on this side of the soil. What about you? Your KC metro area weather starts off in the upper 50’s and reaches a high of 85 by early noon. Todays topic is on ‘The Importance Of Your Responsibilities.
Don’t you just love participating in those everyday tasks? You know, the ones that require you to show up and following through? We sometimes search for reasons why we should temporarily offset our responsibilities and in doing so, we are only opening up the door for future issue to occur. Well listen up People, the word ‘response’ and ‘ability’ both make up the word ‘responsibility’. You physically have to carry out the skill of ‘responding’ to what needs to be addressed instead of not responding at all. So the next time you feel the need to put off that task, just get it done and thank me later.
It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!