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Good Morning People!!!
Tanya needed to stop smoking. She’d been an avid smoker for 35 years and because of it, her health had been on the decline. Her biggest obstacle was the fact that it played into her daily routine. She woke up, smoked a cig. Ate breakfast, smoked a cig. At morning break, smoked a cig. She even spent most of her lunch smoking. Each time she smoked, she walked away feeling anxiety free and ready to take on the world again. And this is the very reason why she wasn’t breaking the addiction. You see, the key to her issue lied in the fact that many of the times she made the choice to light up, it was when she was literally trying to burn time. The minute she decided that she would replace smoking with journaling, she soon found that the reward of writing was much more deserving. Tanya is now smoke free and writing her life changing story.
Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors! If you are happy to have the opportunity to see the Sun again, drop me a yellow heart below💛. Your KC metro area weather starts off in the mid 50’s and hits the high 70’s by mid noon. Todays topic is on ‘The Importance Of Replacing Bad Habits’.
There’s nothing more captivating on the planet than a bad habit. We are so drawn to them that we can’t seem to grab a hold of ourselves long enough to tear away from its winding cycle. We say we will quit, but we never do. We say we will get a hold of things, but we never do. All the while, if we’d just change up one little thing in the cycle we might be able to influence a totally different cycle. Listen up People. By finding out what cues your habits and replacing the routine that follows it, you can help turn some of those bad habits into the ones that help instead of hinder you. Learn to replace those routines with things that will yield you the best rewards. Because, although bad habits are hard to break, those good habits are equally the same.
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!
