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The Importance Of Releasing Fear

Good Morning People!!!

This past Saturday we had our company Christmas party. It started out with an amazing lunch at Jefferson’s Family Restaurant in North KC and ended with about 16 of us experiencing an amazing fun time at Disciples Of Gaming VR. The fun started with me as the demonstration. The instructor placed a VR set on my head and then loaded up the ‘Walk The Plank’ simulation. I was now standing on a rooftop with a plank in front of me. The instructor instructed me to walk out on the plank to the edge, pause, then walk off. My nerves were all over the place, but I walked out to the edge and knowing that this was only a simulation, walked off the end. I immediately fell to the ground below but just before I hit the ground, the simulation lightly landing me. This scared the crap out of me for a few seconds but it felt good to have experienced the fear factor.

Happy Friday my Weekday warriors! What a rollercoaster of a winter already right! One day it’s nice out and the next day it’s below freezing. Already can’t wait til Spring. Anyway, today expect a high of only 35 degrees with a low of only 22. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Releasing Your Fears’.

Life is one big scary experience. More days than not we are forced to take chances and make decisions that may not always be pleasant to make, but if you don’t make them there is still the possibility of lingering regret that may be waiting around to swoop in. Let go of the fear and make them anyway. Listen up People, there is so much more to gain on the other side of fear. When you finally let go of the fear you learn that the safety of those training wheels were only hindering your growth and how far and fast you could really go! So when things feel like you are looking down from the top of a sky scraper, don’t let the height scare you. Take your leap anyway. You will figure things out on the way down.

It’s ya boy Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful morning message. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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