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The Importance Of Playing Your Role

Good Morning People!!!

In 1985 at Belle Ryan elementary school I learned one of the greatest lessons I would learn in my life. The school was having its yearly track and field tournaments and along with three other schoolmates we were geared up ready to compete in the relay race competition. First off, I was upset because I wasn’t picked as the team captain and it’s a good thing that I wasn’t. You see, my belief was since I was the fastest on the team I should start off running first. And seeings that the other 3 teammates weren’t even close in speed, I just new the captain was making a big mistake when he picked me to run last. The race started out with us not doing too bad but by the time the 3rd runner took the baton, we were well behind. I had some making up to do so as soon as I touched the baton I left the blaze behind me. Long story short, we won the race. If it wasn’t for the order the captain placed us in, we would have most certainly lost.

It’s Wednesday already my Weekday Warriors and all I want to know is where’s that darn camel? Kansas City’s temps are looking like a low of 36 and a high of only 49 today so dress accordingly. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Your Role’.

We all know that in order to get anything accomplished in life there has to be some kind of order. And what better way of setting your team up for the win than by placing each team member in the best responsible positions possible to pull it off? Listen up People, there is no ‘I’ in team. By playing your unique position and sticking to the script you help give you squad the best possible advantage of succeeding. Learning to play and execute your role helps your team move more efficiently through battle and will, in the long run, help your team reach the finish line more effortlessly. Super squad sounds a lot better that superstar.

Thank you for joining me this morning. Be sure to follow me on ‘The First Cup KC’ on my YouTube channel, Spotify and/or Apple TV. Have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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