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The Importance Of Momentum

Good Morning People!!!

In the 2022 Nitro World Games BMX Best Trick competition, wearing a ASHOC bike helmet, professional BMX rider Ryan Williams was seeking a first place trophy. All he had to do is execute every move in the trick he would be performing as he had done many times before. This trick would require a lot of power and speed to give him the energy that it would take to launch him up high enough to perform the trick. It would require the fastest decline he could muster and enough concentration to stick the landing. On his take-off, he threw himself forward, gave himself a few hard pedals and coasted down the ramp. As he ascends his bike into the air the passenger lands a front bike flip into a front full flip trick and sticks a flawless landing and places number one in the competition.

Happy Throwback Thursday my Weekday Warriors!! It is that day again, and if you’ve been rocking with me for a while now, you already know what today is. It’s the day I give you a blast from the past! Today’s KC metro area weather starts off just about freezing and reaches a high of only 54 degrees. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Momentum’.

It isn’t always easy making a decision like going to the gym and starting that exercise plan that you’ve been planning for years. But once you finally get in the gym and get things rolling, it’s not as hard to repeat. After a week or so of commitment, you finally find yourself fully engaged. Funny how that works. Listen up people, in order to get those things you want going in your life, you’ve gotta get the ball rolling down hill. You see, once you get things going, it just makes it that much more harder for you to stop. Stop prolonging the ride and just go with it. You can always figure things out as you pick up speed. So don’t just stand there People. Get moving!!!

It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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