Good Morning People!!!
Joshua turned up the street just a mile from his home, continuing at a steady pace to complete his daily run. He was already 108 pounds down from six months ago, and thanks to the daily running habit he had developed, he knew he would reach his goal of losing 150 pounds by the end of the year. This sudden drive came from being sick and tired of always feeling sick and tired. He knew his health wasn’t the best, and to improve, he realized it was up to him alone to make it happen. So one day, he started running. Because of that day, Joshua has run himself into a healthier, more energized body. Good for you, Joshua—good for you!
Happy Taco Tuesday my Weekday Warriors! What a wonderful time it is to be alive people! If you agree please comment with your favorite color heart below. Your KC metro area weather starts out in the upper 20’s and reaches a high of only 41 degrees today. Your topic today is on ‘The Importance Of Making Things Happen’
“Success doesn’t come to you; you go to it.” This powerful quote by Marva Collins reminds us that waiting around for opportunities won’t get us anywhere. Dreams and goals are only as good as the action steps we take to bring them to life. It’s easy to talk about what we want, but real success comes from putting in the work. So listen up, people: stop waiting for the perfect moment or someone else to make things happen for you. Take charge, stay consistent, and watch how doors start to open. So the next time you catch yourself hesitating, remember—make it happen, because no one else will do it for you!
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!