Follow me @ coffeecupchuck. com / chuckdoyle. com
Good Morning People!!
Let’s say you have a glass of water and 2 lighters. A red one and a blue one. If you take the red lighter and submerge it into the glass of water, after a few seconds, the lighter will most likely have issues striking a flame. This is what life tends to do to us when we stop treading. The blue lighter, on the other hand, has not been submerged in water and has plenty of fuel to burn. All it will take to get that drowning red lighter back burning again is just a little spark of help from the blue one. Just one little spark.
Happy Friday my Weekday Warriors!! The weekend is among us and I can’t tell you how excited I am about it! The KC metro area’s looking a little cooler today with a high of only 61 degrees. Your day starts off in the lower 40’s and doesn’t reach its high until about mid afternoon. The topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Lighting A Flame’.
Did you know that you have the power to help someone change the direction of their future? You sure do. All it takes is the flick of the wrist and you can help relight the flame within someone else that has been doused out by the worlds extinguisher of ups and downs. But how do you do so? Well listen up People, today I want you all to do me a favor and tell someone you love that you believe in them. Reassure them that they are not alone and that no matter what, you got em covered. You see, People tend to spring back to life when they know that there’s something beside them just waiting to light their fuse. So if you know of someone that may be a little low on fluid, put the BIC to em and help get em burning again.
It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!