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The Importance Of Landing

Writer: Chuck DoyleChuck Doyle

Good Morning People!!

Jonathan’s journey had been one hell of a roller coaster. His career started out great, then it took a hit. Then things got better again. But then things got worse. He finally managed to level things off. Jonathans was, at the moment, on top of the world and he loved the view. But he had a problem. The longer he sat at the top, the more comfortable he got. This did not serve him well because in doing so, he forgot all about the old saying that goes “What goes up, must come down”. He’d been in this position many times before. But when he fell this time, he’d forgotten how to land so he didn’t do to well hitting the ground. Jonathan would have to start from the very bottom again, but this time the bottom was a wreck.

Happy Taco Tuesday my Weekday Warriors and welcome to another opportunity of a lifetime. Your KC weather for today starts out in the upper 50’s and eases up into the upper 80’s by mid noon so enjoy a little cooler weather today!! Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Landing’.

What a wonderful feeling it is to take flight in your life and soar with the eagles. The view when you are at the top of the world can be such a glorious  sight, but when your altitude starts dropping, what adjustments are you making to ensure that when you hit the ground, you hit it running instead of face first? Well listen up People, just because you may be at the top of the world right now doesn’t mean that tomorrow won’t leave you at the bottom. Understand this, when you do take your tumble, the way you land will ultimately determine how fast you bounce back up. Learn how to land with reason so you can use that very reason to embrace the fall. Because when you embrace your landing the right way, you can use the force as a way of bouncing yourself even higher up.

It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!


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