Follow me @ coffeecupchuck. com / chuckdoyle. com
Good Morning People!!
In 2011, the lead quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, Peyton Manning, walked off of the field after the first game of the season. Due to a very serious neck injury, he would have to undergo surgery that would force him to miss the rest of the season. After surgery, he went through strenuous rehabbing and therapy training to prepare himself for his unexpected return to the NFL. His healing process was one of the hardest things he had ever encountered and after spending all of the 2011 season healing, he was cut from the Colts. This did not stop the great QB. He was soon picked up by the Denver Broncos as their starting QB and after (4) years in Denver, Peyton Manning took the team all of the way to a Super bowl win.
Happy Hump Day my Weekday Warriors! We have reached the top of the rock so let’s get to rolling. Your temperature in the KC metro area starts off in the mid 50’s and climbs up into the lower 80’s this afternoon. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Healing’.
Face it people, we are not invincible. And the older we get the more we realize this fact. Our bodies have more of a tendency to heal a lot faster when we are much younger, but the older we get, healing tends to require more effort. So listen up People, when you injure, please take into consideration of what it will require for you to fully heal. By taking the necessary time off, and committing to the exercises, therapy, medications and routines needed to get you back on track, you help insure that your recovery is a fast one. So the next time you break a leg, settle back, relax and properly deal with your heal.
It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!
