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The Importance Of Growing Up To Be Just Like You

Good Morning People!!!

When I was a young boy I wanted to grow up to be a movie star and a professional athlete. I spent many of my developing days mimicking the lines of actors such as, Gary Coleman, Eddie Murphy and JJ Evan’s. I also remember running through my neighborhood with my football tucked tightly in my arms like I was Walter Payton crashing through an invisible line of defensive linemen. I wanted to grow up and be like so many great and talented people. People that I highly admired. People who had accomplished so much in their lives. But the older I got, the farther I grew away from being like any of them. As a matter of fact, instead of growing up to be like them, I slowly grew up to be just as i am. Myself.

We have reached the end of the week my Weekday Warriors! What a beautiful it will be today in the KC metro area. Todays weather brings to you a high of 62 and a low of only 31. Your topic for today is on ‘Growing Up To Be Just Like You’.

We all want to grow up to be someone great. Because of this, we normally attach ourself to the people we most highly look up to. But did you know that no matter who you what to be like you will only end up growing up to be like the person you create within yourself? Listen up people, it’s ok to be Influence by others, but remember this, it is totally up to you to grow into the person that you want to be. Your greatness will only be determined by the choices and sacrifices you make. So instead of striving to be like those superstars, shoot for the stars and place yourself amongst them.

Thank you for joining me this morning. Be sure to follow me on ‘The First Cup KC’ on my YouTube channel, Spotify and/or Apple TV. Have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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