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The Importance Of Going The Extra Mile

Good Morning People!!

Pedro clocked into his first day at work. At the moment, he was working for a temporary employment agency as an electrician, but was told that a display of good work ethics could land him a permanent position working for the actual company that hired the agency for laborers. Pedro did just that. He displayed ethics that the hiring company hadn’t experienced in years. He spoke politely, responded to each given task gracefully and when the work slowed, instead of standing around with his lineman’s in his hand like the others, he picked up a broom and started cleaning. The floor manager noticed all of this and by the end of the week Pedro was handed a permanent application to fill out. He was hired just under 30 days from the time he first clocked in. Way to put in that extra effort Pedro.

Happy Motivational Monday my Weekday Warriors!!! A little chilly out there the past few days, but I hope everyone’s holiday weekend went well. Your weather today starts out in the lower 20’s and only reaches a high of 40 degrees. Today’s topic is on ‘The Importance Of Going The Extra Mile’.

Are you the type of person that shows up for a task and does the bare minimum, yet expects to be overcompensated just because you feel you’ve showed up? You do understand that going over and beyond normally gets you the big impression you are seeking right? Well listen up People. By not only showing up, but going the extra mile, you help yourself stand out way more than the person that’s just seeking to get by. Learn how to put in that extra effort, because at the end of the day, that extra effort will gain you that extra outcome. The person that goes over and beyond deserves to go over and beyond.

It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck.Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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