Good Morning People!!
Alonzo stared at his cell phone. The incoming call that stared back at him was from a friend that he hadn’t spoken to for years. His recent breakup, the loss of his job, along with many other factors had drained any energy required to answer. While sleeping, he was awaken by another call. It was the same caller. After letting it go to voicemail, he checked it. “Yo Zoe! It’s me, Charlie. I’m driving through town, heading to a life changing event. Was wondering if you’d like to tag along? My treat. Just give me a call when you get this. Can’t wait to see you”. Alonzo thought about it for a moment. He needed something new in his life and he definitely wasn’t gonna find it sitting around the house. He made the call. Turns out, it was the best call he’d made in a very long time.
Happy Throwback Thursday my Weekday Warriors! Here we are again. The day where old stones are ones again turned. And just to field check this post for serious readers, comment your favorite emoji below. Your KC metro area weather starts out in the upper 40’s but barely makes it up into the mid 60’s. Your Throwback topic is on ‘The Importance Of Going Along For The Ride’.
"Oh, how important it is for us to get the hell out of 'Dodge' every once in a while! Our normal activities have such a hypnotizing effect on us at times that we anchor ourselves directly to all of the stress that comes along with them. This alone can drain away any ambition needed to want anything great out of life. So listen up, people: when you neglect to explore, you also neglect to open new doors. Those new doors may very well be the start to your new and improved quality of life. So pack a few things, cash up, and go along for the ride, people, because you just never know what may be down the road waiting for you."
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!