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The Importance Of Evolving

Good Morning People!!!

Did you know that the butterfly goes through (4) different stages in life? These stages all help transform its form, its capabilities, as well as its appearance into something that’s not only beautiful, but also powerful enough to take flight. They are first laid as eggs, then hatch into larva. This is its eating stage and the stage when it takes the form of the caterpillar. From there it goes into the pupa stage to where it cocoons itself inside of a chrysalis. Inside of this chrysalis a remarkable transformation is taking place. A transformation so profound that once it breaks free from this cocoon the world finally sees the real beauty in its journey.

Happy taco Tuesday my Weekday Warriors! Hopefully you aren’t letting this drizzling weather drown you into a puddle. We have a high of 57 and a low of only 40 today in the KC metro area. Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Evolving’.

How many of you are still where you were 5 years ago? What’s stopping your growth? That job that you hate?That relationship that still isn’t working? Or maybe its those friends that doubt your ideas. Listen up People, we are not meant to remain the same. The butterfly process is the same process we all must take in order to come out magnificent. Things will only stay as they are unless you welcome change in your life and go through all of those stages that will require you to feed yourself the right stuff and shed the wrong ones. Allow yourselves the opportunity to evolve People so one day you will truly be able to spread your wings.

Thank you for joining me this morning. Be sure to follow me on ‘The First Cup KC’ on my YouTube channel, Spotify and/or Apple TV. Have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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