Good Morning People!!!
James drove through the shopping center’s parking lot heading towards its exit/entrance. Due to the ground being icy from the plowed snow, he drove as slow as possible. As he approached the entrance to a thrift store located in the shopping center, he could see an elderly woman attempting to cross. Not wanting the lady to slip, fall, and possible hurt herself on the slippery ice, he slowed to a complete stop, got out of his work vehicle, helped her across to her car, and jumped back in his own vehicle to leave. James understood the fact that one day (if he was lucky enough) he would be an elder in possible need of a helping hand. Way to be a gentleman James…
Happy Friday my Weekday Warriors!! Time to finally get a few nice free workless days out of this season! Today’s KC metro area weather starts out in the upper 30’s and hits the mid sixties by mid noon. Today’s topic is on ‘The Importance Of Chivalry’.
We live in a world where looking out for one another has become almost extinct. Instead of holding the door open for the feeling it gives us for being kind, we tend to hold it open to receive acknowledgment for the good deed. Well listen up People, the act of treating others with respect, politeness, and other acts of courtesy lives on when you lead by example. By performing extra acts of kindness just for the sake of being a good person, you help others see the good that still exists in this world. Learn to be more chivalrous as you journey throughout your day, because not only does it help to assist others, remember, the world is counting on your positive influence.
It’s Ya Boy Coffee Cup Chuck Thank you for joining me for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!