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The Importance Of Changing Clothes

Follow me @ coffeecupchuck. com / chuckdoyle. com

Good Morning People!!!

In 2003 the legendary (hiphop/rap artist) Jay Z wrote a song featuring (singer/songwriter/producer) Pharrell called ‘Change Clothes’. The song explains how we should disconnect ourselves from our older styles of fashion and try out newer styles.  In other words, Jay Z was telling us to upgrade our appearance. This is a true analogy coming from ‘The Great’. Change is a good thing because change demands that you upgrade and the upgrade represents a whole new level. Why continue wearing what you’ve already outgrown? Why not throw those old ones out and get you some new ones?

Happy Thursday my Weekday Warriors!!  It is that day again. And if you’ve been rocking with me, you already know what I do today. I give you a blast from the past. Todays temperatures start off in the low 30’s, but the KC metro area will reach a high close to 60 degrees this afternoon.   Your topic for today is on ‘The Importance Of Changing your Shoes’.

Everyone of us has that one pair of shoes that we favor over all of the rest. This is because these particular shoes are familiar and broken in. They are easy to slide in and easy to take off and most of all, they are comfortable. And this can sometimes be the problem with us as humans. Listen up People, we tend to get too comfortable walking in the shoes we walk in on a daily. This is why it is important to get uncomfortable for a while and try on a new pair. Of course they may feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning but over time you will grow to rely on them the same. Get a little out of your comfort zone people and never be scared to take a chance at change because of your comfortable position.  Get you a new pair of kicks and try walking in a new pair for once. Your future self will thank you for it.

It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have

a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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