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The Importance Of Being Thankful

Good Morning People!!!

I follow a guy on TikTok named @keith_lee125. He does these food reviews where he buys food from local restaurants in the Las Vegas area, and records himself first tasting, then rating each particular item on a scale from 1-10. These reviews have helped save, as well as, boost the popularity of many of these restaurants. What I like most about this ‘now famous’ TikToker is this, since his rise to fame, he has not once forgotten to remind his audience of how humble and thankful he is for his opportunities of being GOD’s vessel.

Happy Throwback Thursday my Weekday Warrior’s!!! Time to turn on that ‘TimeToWorkOnSelf’ meter (and like my good friend @John E. Avocado says) think, plan, and do! Your Kansas City metro area weather starts out in the lower 40’s and just about makes it to 60 degrees today. Not bad for November.  Today’s topic is on ‘The Importance Of Being Thankful’

Question? What if you woke up this morning to only the things that you were grateful enough to thank God for yesterday? What do you have today? Do you have your arms or your legs? What about your parents or your ability to create children? Do you really understand how blessed you really are to have all of the things and experiences you’ve been giving the opportunities to have and live through? Well listen up People, we often become so comfortable with our everyday blessings that we forget to count them. Never forget to be thankful for the things that you have because for one, there are people that wish they had what you have, and secondly, it can all be gone in the blink of an eye.

It’s ya boy, Coffee Cup Chuck. Thank you for joining me again for another powerful message. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People☕️😎👍🏾!

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