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The Importance Of Your Quiet Space

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

When I go into the office for work I normally get about 10% of the work I need to get done accomplished. Why is that, you say? Well between the secretary (my wife) asking me to look over this and that, my partner Darin talking to me about the project he’s working on, the phone ringing, emails popping up on my computer screen and the damn front and rear Ring doorbell chiming every freaking 2 minutes, I can’t stay focused long enough to actually concentrate on what’s in front of me. My mind gets filled with so much chatter that I just give in to scrolling the ole social medias. If I could only find a place where it’s quiet enough for me to hear myself think. If only I would have just worked from home.

Happy Monday my weekday warriors! Time to turn on the shine and get back to the grind. Your weather for today looks like rain all day long at 75 degrees so grab that hooded raincoat on your way out this morning . Todays topic is on ‘The Importance Of Your Quiet Place’.

Besides myself, who else finds it a little complicating trying to concentrate on the task at hand when there are numerous distractions going on around you? The struggle is real right? You want to get stuff accomplished but your mind can’t stop zoning in on the conversation going on in the next cubicle. Listen up People, having access to a quiet place is essential. When you are in a quiet zone you can actually hear yourself think which helps you mentally release and unwire all of those stored thoughts. It also assists in increasing your productivity, helps you build patience and helps create an aura of calmness within you. If you want to get more done in a day try finding yourself a quieter place to complete your work. To hear nothing makes it that much more possible for you to hear everything you need to hear.

Thank you for joining me this morning. Be sure to follow me on ‘The First Cup KC’ on my YouTube channel, Spotify and/or Apple TV. Have a wonderful rest of your day and as always, Stay Positive People!

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